Fresher Spices

Hi everyone!  I hadn't intended to blog today, but, I have a reason for doing so. Not a good one, but a reason. I dirtied up dishes this morning, at lunch, and dinner, and they are all in the sink. I've just sort of been ignoring them as the day goes by. It's seven in the evening and yes, I know I have to get them done, but I figured that if I sit here and chat with you a few minutes, what could it hurt. Ya' know?

But let's go in the kitchen for a bit,  don't look in the sink,  and check out the spices. Well, you can't but I'll tell you about them.  I like to use different spices when I cook.  But I don't really cook very often anymore.  When there was a husband and four boys, I felt like I was cooking for farmers! So I was use to making big meals every day. But living alone I just don't cook like that.  Of  course when I do want to make something in my crockpot, I have enough to put one or two meals in the freezer for a couple of days.  Therefore....the point of this story.  My jars of spices have gotten old, lost their smell and their taste.

Yesterday my quilting friends and I went on a trip, through beautiful scenery by the way, and at one point stopped at a market run by Quakers or the others who live all around in this area, and sell mostly homemade stuff....and have fabric shops too, we stopped at one of those also.  The main reason I wanted to stop their was to buy some spices in more of a bulk form.

The main ones I use is Curry,  Chili Powder,  Lemon Pepper, Parsley, and Oregano. So those are the ones I bought (OMG I forgot Basil and Tarragon!!!):

I don't like those thin, plastic containers so I'm going to buy me some pretty tins to put them in. I wish you could be standing here right now! The aroma is wonderful!! I think they make their own. You knowm Curry for one thing, has several different spices in it. But this says 'Natural Curry Powder', so I'm not sure exactly what that means, but it sure smells good. And I dipped my finger in, and it tastes good too, and strong.   I was going to get some freshly made peanut butter...where you dump the peanuts into a machine, turn it on, and it 'poops' out freshly ground peanut butter, no fillers or anything of any kind!! It's really different and really good! BUT, theirs wasn't working!! :(  

We stopped at a small restaurant and had lunch, and we stopped at a Fabric shop.  Here is the group of fabrics I bought:

I think they go very well together. What do you think? Can't wait to dream up how I'm going to design a quilt top with them. I hardly ever use a pattern. I usually design something in my head while I'm laying in bed at night.  Some people count sheep...I design quilts. lol

The day was fun but coming home it rain so much and so hard it was almost impossible to see. We were all glad when we got through it.

Well, OK,  I know,  the dishes are still there!  I'm going!! Don't push!!


  1. Replies
    1. It is one of my favorite spices (not just because of my name either. LOL)

  2. I absolutely love Curry and Cumin, if it be me, I'd put in everything hahaa.

    I wish I could quilt but I never got into it, instead I prefer embroidery and knitting. I can't wait to see what quilt design you will come up with!

    1. Curry is my very favorite. My second favorite is Basil, and I forgot to get any!!
      I use to embroidery a lot, and still do on crazy quilts. I use to crochet a lot, but haven't for years.
      The only thing I ever did with knitting was make a simple red scarf and cap.

  3. Yum, I can just about smell those spices over here! I've never used Curry before, but I think it smells nice 😊

    Those fabrics look so pretty! I'm sure they will make a fine quilt. I like to sew, but I have never done any quilting. I think it would be fun...maybe I'll have to try my hand at it.

    1. Hi Sommer! I love using spices and Curry is my favorite! I'm so glad to finally have gotten some fresh ones. Even the ones you buy in the jars or cans in the grocery are suspect to me.I doubt they are very fresh to begin with! :)
      Simple quilting is really easy and creative if you have someone to sit down with you and show you. I don't do anything difficult by any means! lol

    2. I don't really have a source for fresh spices, so I have to look for the best I can. I don't really trust most brands either 😉

      I wish I had a friend that quilted close by, because that would be fun and helpful. I have seen some amazingly simple, but beautiful quilts...artwork to be sure. Someday I will try my hand at it😊

  4. Hey, Grandma! I'm Becca from FB. I just thought I'd share a story with you about my Great Grandmother Ellis. I've noticed you're into quilting, and so was she. They actually did a local article on her in the paper because she quilted until she passed away at the age of 94. My grandmother has several of her quilts, some of them being quite old. I've always loved quilts and admire the work you ladies (and gents) put into making them. I know you'll make something amazing! Have a great day!

    1. Hi Becca! I recognized your picture before I read your name! :) That's amazing how long your Great Grandmother was able to quilt! Then they mostly, I guess, quilted by hand. That is what I do. I won't be able to as long as she, because it is already starting to hurt the palms of my hands and fingers. Now days most quilters using big, automatic quilters or pay to have someone quilt it on theirs. They are too expensive and too big for me. Thanks for coming to my blog.! :)

  5. My husband is a better cook than I am and he likes to use different kinds of spices. He would love fresh bulk spices like those! The Fresh Market here in Lynchburg has three of those crank style peanut butter machines – for regular peanut butter, honey roasted peanut butter, and almond butter. My son likes the honey roasted peanut butter but it’s too sweet for me (I think they might add sugar to it). The others are just peanuts or just almonds and both of them are sooo good! I love the almond butter best of all!

    Those fabrics are lovely! The patterns and colors complement each other nicely. I hope that whatever quilt you design using those fabrics that you’ll post a picture here of the finished quilt so that we can see it. :)

    1. Oh, I'd post a picture...just, whenever that might be! lol I have so many started and spend all my time on the PC. Yet when we all go fabric shopping, I can't resist!! LOL

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