The Concrete Jungle Of Life

A few days ago I left rather early to walk to Kroger. It's quite a long ways from where I live, but I've walked it many times before and it was still cool. The following picture will give you some idea of how far it is: In this picture I have already walked a loooong ways up to this point. By now I have crossed two highway connections, with a little island out in the middle of the turn lanes...that's not really too bad. But I still have as far as you see, to go yet! Now with the highway, and traffic and various places on either side once in awhile, I call this The Concrete Jungle. Boring. Bland. Noisy. Tiring. There are many types of "Concrete Jungles" , metaphorically speaking, one must endure or pass through in life. Too many people get too bored, or feel like there is never anything to do, and wind up depressed. But my philosophy is to find some good or beauty, in wherever your at or whatever your in. Nature is full of natural beauty, even in a Conc...