Fresher Spices

Hi everyone! I hadn't intended to blog today, but, I have a reason for doing so. Not a good one, but a reason. I dirtied up dishes this morning, at lunch, and dinner, and they are all in the sink. I've just sort of been ignoring them as the day goes by. It's seven in the evening and yes, I know I have to get them done, but I figured that if I sit here and chat with you a few minutes, what could it hurt. Ya' know? But let's go in the kitchen for a bit, don't look in the sink, and check out the spices. Well, you can't but I'll tell you about them. I like to use different spices when I cook. But I don't really cook very often anymore. When there was a husband and four boys, I felt like I was cooking for farmers! So I was use to making big meals every day. But living alone I just don't cook like that. Of course when I do want to make something in my crockpot, I have enough to put one or two meals in the freezer for a couple of days. Th...