Quilting Woes!!!

Oh the woes of a quilter!!! I almost always start out doing something wrong. But I still love to quilt! Amazing!! I'm making a wall hanging for a 'challenge' in our quilting guild, and yikes!, it's suppose to be made and quilted by Christmas!! And I've already started it off wrong. Here is a picture of what it is suppose to look like: I know that everyone is going to use some kind of prints in darks and lights; maybe prints, maybe batiks, so I wanted to do something different. Different, was my First Mistake! Well, no, not paying attention to the details of how to put the pattern together!! I decided to use dots. Dark ones, small to big, and light ones, small to big. That was all well and good. Then I wondered what should I use for the middle square of each log cabin. I didn't want a plain color. I wanted something whimsical! I choose a fabric with Sock Monkeys all over it. (I love to fussy-cut!) Now here's where I put my thinking cap on. ( Sec...