The Concrete Jungle Of Life

A few days ago I left rather early to walk to Kroger. It's quite a long ways from where I live, but I've walked it many times before and it was still cool. The following picture will give you some idea of how far it is:

In this picture I have already walked a loooong ways up to this point. By now I have crossed two highway connections, with a little island out in the middle of the turn lanes...that's not really too bad. But I still have as far as you see, to go yet!

Now with the highway, and traffic and various places on either side once in awhile, I call this The Concrete Jungle. Boring. Bland. Noisy. Tiring.

There are many types of "Concrete Jungles" , metaphorically speaking, one must endure or pass through in life. Too many people get too bored,  or feel like there is never anything to do, and wind up depressed.  But my philosophy is to find some good or beauty, in wherever your at or whatever your in. Nature is full of natural beauty, even in a Concrete Jungle, which will lift your spirits and keep you mind engaged in something positive, instead of the negative. This will make you feel better, less tired and make the time go by quicker. I think one's soul naturally wants to absorb beauty, kindness, goodness, love. Instead too many people walk around grumpy, negative about everything, never looking to find anything pleasant. I really am not happy talking to those kind of people.

I've had said this to people before and got a response like this;  "What do I care about a stupid flower?"   Well, there is a negative thought...stupid.  How can a flower be stupid, for one thing; why not enjoy it's beauty rather than have such a negative thought?   Oh well, I could preach on and on about that, but on with my walk.  I prefer the positive.

Passing by a busy section of fast food's and malls I come to this lovely bush, right beside the concrete sidewalk beside the concrete highway. And look at this. Isn't that lovely? I'm here between my apartment and Kroger, but I'm given this beautiful respite, a place to stop and rest a minute while enjoying the beautiful flowers. Now I and my spirit are refreshed and I can go on.

After I pass a mall, at the last drive, out of the parking lot, there is a curb and the start of the sidewalk again.  So, more Concrete Jungle all around, but, right there, in that one lonely spot on the curb corner is a small patch of dirt and these lovelies are thriving there! How can you pass by without stopping to be thankful?!

So I had something else to think upon as I continued on my way, and didn't pay attention to the Concrete Jungle I was walking through, or the tiredness of my body. I had something more pleasant
to think about.

And look at this surprise!  Isn't it a beauty? Love the fulness and the deep red color!                   

{I'm having a lot of trouble with making the type stay where I want it to on here, and when I click 'publish' I have no idea how it's going to look...but do I care? will still be able to read it just the same. :)  }

Well guess what?  I made it to my destination, not too tired, not too hot, and with lots of pleasant thoughts and pictures in my head. :)

So now there will be all that long way back and that's ok. I know what all I shall get to see again, and actually I found some more small nooks and crannies along the way, full of interest and beauty. Even weeds are pretty if they have a flower on them! Right?!


  1. When my wife and I bought our house and with it a sizeable garden with many beautiful blossoms, we were never entirely sure what were flowers and what were weeds. Eventually a gardener friend of mine pointed out that if I liked how they looked, it didn't matter what they were called.

  2. Exactly right!! People think I'm crazy because I think yellow dandelions sprinkled over a green lawn is very pretty. :)

    1. Nature is a marvel all in itself! Glad you are able to enjoy it

  3. I love your perspective on life! It is so refreshing than dwelling on all the bad or negative things. Those things are there, but there is so much beauty and good in the world too. Thank you for sharing your walk with us.

    1. Thank you for reading it and responding. I can't see why people wouldn't rather be pleasant and see things more positively. It makes a person feel so much better, and the people around them. :)

  4. You have a lovely outlook on life :)

    1. I always try to stay positive (untless it's when I get frustrated in a game!) LOL

  5. Great writing. I can see why Fallout 4 doesn't appeal to you and Skyrim does (I recently bought Fallout 4 at a discount, don't like it either.). You have a lovely outlook on life (and must be in great shape to make that walk in this heat and humidity!).

    1. Hi! Well, I'm not in as good a shape as I was before I started sitting here recording for YT, sad to say, but it wasn't too bad that day. I also left early so it was still cool. Glad you came by and liked the blog. :)

  6. beautiful <3. & another example of computer glitches, doing just how they do, & rolling w/it in your stride \^_^/!

    1. I guess it really doesn't matter what the type looks like, does it, as long as the conversation is enjoyable. :)

    2. I went and read your "About Me" and goodnes, I don't know how you found the time to read this little blog!! lol

    3. haha oh gosh, i forgot i had my blogspot at all! i moved to wordpress. & i found you via twitter, when i was scrolling thru gamer YTers, during the latest small channel "apocalypse" (there will always be another *rolls eyes*. & not that your channel is small =P). Anywayz, im interested in communication, and found this linked to our gaming page.

      & lolz, idk what is in that "about me". But the truth is im a bit of a dilettante. Jack of all trades, master of none. well...maybe master of some >>. It is all relative.

      Point is it reads better on paper, being spread across fields =p. But isnt the best for steady employment. Usually, i have found, it is best to keep the full extent of my background under wraps. <3

      in other news: i made a wedding invite for Broud & Lydia! I put them in a love frame & gif animated hearts for them \^_^/! it is tagged on your twitter. Tho how YOU find time to get to any comments amazes me. =D


    4. OMG Thanks for the comment!! I wish I'd remember that I have a blog and go put something "interesting" in it!! I'm going to Twitter right now to see what you made for the wedding!! And thank you in advance! :)

  7. This is just fantastic, what a great perspective on life and it can really be translated to any situation you might find yourself in. Looking at the beauty instead of the negatives is such a good way to reframe your thinking, have a positive outlook on life and ultimately be happier!

    "always take time to stop and smell the roses"

    Thanks Shirley!

    1. That's exactly right, James, it's just as easy to be positive and much more enjoyable and makes one feel happier. I don't like to be around negative people and avoid them as much as posible. lol

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